+39 3385703493 info@s4csrl.com


S4C is a leading company in private and corporate security. We provide complete security during on-site operations and during the installation of integrated security systems and safety services. We create a safe environment to protect your business, your projects and transfers.


S4C is a leading company in private and corporate security. We provide complete security during on-site operations and during the installation of integrated security systems and safety services. We create a safe environment to protect your business, your projects and transfers.

S4C is a leading company in private and corporate security. We provide complete security during on-site operations and during the installation of integrated security systems and safety services. We create a safe environment to protect your business, your projects and transfers.

S4C is a leading company in private and corporate security. We provide complete security during on-site operations and during the installation of integrated security systems and safety services. We create a safe environment to protect your business, your projects and transfers.

Where we operate

We handle the safety of companies and residential buildings. We manage national and international transfers, to ensure a safe trip for you and your team.

We think about your future

We take care of your business to make your data constantly protected. We implement cross-channel security systems to provide you with full control of your personal space.

We train to innovate

S4C is constantly investing on training its team and nurturing new agents to face the ever-growing threats in safety system management.

Safety & Security Solutions

We are specialized in the installation of special safety and fire protection systems: the best solutions for your work environment.


Physical Security

We take care of the safety of companies, residential buildings, streets and junctions. We operate in meeting places and close to the urban pattern, to establish public order during events. We also provide prevention systems such as video-surveillance, fire protection and alarm devices. We follow our clients through the entire process of installation and monitoring, with tailored solutions and accurate consultancy.



Cyber security

We design specific certified procedures, tailored to keep your data always protected: during creation, exchange and archiving. We constantly keep up-to-date in order to anticipate, intercept and prevent upcoming IT threats. We ensure the protection of your data and the privacy of your clients



Travel security

We offer efficient protection during business trips of yours and your team’s, thanks to a strong knowledge of the territory where we operate. We handle the transportation of high-value goods and we guarantee a careful conservation for the entire journey.



VIP Service

We safeguard the privacy of our clients during business and personal trips, guaranteeing maximum comfort as long as it is necessary. We secure a direct fast route for your transfers and we ensure strict confidence in both the preparatory and the operational phase.




Physical Security


Cyber Security


Travel Security




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